Brazilian voting authorities may incorporate blockchain technology in future elections
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Brazilian voting authorities may incorporate blockchaintechnology in future elections
Brazil'sVoting Authority May Incorporate Blockchain Technology in Future Elections TheBrazilian Voting Authority (TSE) has publicly announced that it is studyingblockchain as a technology that can help organizations organize ballots. Cando. Celio Castro Vermerlinger, the institution's coordinator ofmodernization, said this decentralized ledger technology was included in aresearch program called "Election of the Future".
BrazilianTSE Is Researching Blockchain Tech
Blockchaintechnology is being incorporated in a number of solutions designed for avariety of applications, including ballot and voting technologies. Brazil'svoting authority announced last month that they are researching blockchaintechnology and the various ways it could be incorporated into ballots.
Celio CastroWermerlinger, who is the coordinator of modernization at the Brazilian votingauthority, stated that end-to-end voting protocol, post-quantum cryptography,shared keys, and blockchain were part of the technologies being studied. Thisinvestigation is part of a program called “Elections of the Future,”that seeks more efficient and more economically viable solutions to be implementedin the electronic voting system.
However,Vermerlinger offered no time-frame for implementing these solutions and arguedthat the Brazilian voting system, which is now 100% national, was securebecause of the electronic solutions implemented in every ballot. Althoughvoting has been listed as one of the potential applications of blockchainsystems due to its trust and security, it is not widely accepted in the U.S.Apart from several pilot tests carried out in the U.S. and incidents in other countries,it has not been widely adopted.
Even afterthat, the platform was used to conduct a mock election in Chandler, Arizonawith the intention of testing and the reaction of citizens using such an app ona ballot. The pilot was recently found positive by the city clerk. Voatz hasalso been involved in elections in other countries, including Venezuela.
Theapplication was used to organize an unofficial referendum against the country'sPresident Nicolas Maduro, with millions of people using it in 2020.